“ABBA FOREVER” The Christmas Show, returns to Roscommon Arts Centre on Thursday 14th November. It is one of the years’ most popular shows around Ireland and we are delighted to welcome them back to Roscommon. It’s always party time when ABBA comes to town but when it’s the Christmas Show, then that’s a real excuse to let your hair down. This happy sing-a-long event is pure escapism. It celebrates ABBA’S music with a loud and proud production and terrific audio visuals of ABBA’s seminal moments on the big screen!
It’s the perfect way to start your Christmas celebrations, whether that’s the office night out or getting the friends together. It’s also 50 years since ABBA’s win at the Eurovision with ‘WATERLOO’ so this is the perfect occasion to sing along to ‘MAMMA MIA’, ‘DANCING QUEEN’ and all the other hits!