Closing Date for our Artist Opportunities | Residency Programme 2022 Applications is 5pm, Monday 4th April 2022
Roscommon Arts Centre’s Artist Supports programme aims to support artists from diverse backgrounds, activating new challenges, new ideas and new voices.
New challenges: We are looking to support artists who are being ambitious, challenging themselves and experimenting. We want to ensure this opportunity has the maximum possible impact, helping artists to develop their practice and move to the next stage of their careers.
New Ideas: We want to support the development of work that explores new methods and approaches. We are interested in work that crosses artforms and embraces innovation.
New Voices: We are committed to nurturing and developing creative talents and voices from a multiplicity of backgrounds, practices and contexts and are particularly interested in hearing from people who self-identify as being under-represented in our programme including ethnic minorities, Black artists, LGBTQ+ artists/companies, and d/Deaf, vision impaired and disabled artists/companies.
As part of this, the AIR residency programme for 2022 will offer 3 residency opportunities in our studio space to full-time professional artists working in any discipline. One residency is specifically aimed at an artist who identifies as a “New Voice”.
The other two residencies aim to support artists who have already embarked on developing a new project/body of work and who would now benefit from additional supports and mentoring, to enable them to progress, with a view to applying for a Project or similar Arts Council Award or which may be considered a viable project for 2023/24 for Roscommon Arts Centre.
The AIR Programme is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland and the Creative Ireland Roscommon Programme.
Residency Details:
Number of residencies: 3
Duration: 2 months
Period: June – December 2022
Artist Fee: €6,000
Mentor Budget: €750
Stipend to cover subsistence, travel and accommodation for artists from outside Roscommon
A dedicated studio space for the duration of the residency at Roscommon Arts Centre
Access to human and physical resources at the centre
Artists applying will:
-have a proven track record of work in their chosen field
-provide a detailed residency plan for the two-month period
-provide an outline of the work/project to be developed
-Provide a statement of benefit (max 1 page) as to how you as an artist would benefit at this time from this opportunity
– Provide an up-to-date CV (max 2 pages)
– Provide 5 images (max) in jpeg format (max file size 3MB) and/or 3 links to previous projects
– Provide a shortlist of up to 3 potential Mentors you may wish to work with and biogs on same. Note: Mentors can be based anywhere and mentoring sessions can be conducted face-to-face or via online platforms regularly over the two-month period. The mentor should be experienced as a mentor and also have a high level of experience in your artform/art practice area.
-be available to engage fully in the residency for a two-month period between June & December 2022.
Application Checklist:
-CV (max 2 pages)
-Outline of residency & project plan (max 2 pages)
-A Statement of benefit (max 1 page)
-5 images jpeg format max file size 3MB and/or 3 links to projects.
– Shortlist of Proposed Mentors & Biogs
Closing date for applications: 5pm, Monday 4th April 2022
Applications for Artist Opportunities | Residency Programme 2022 will be accepted by email only to: on or before the deadline, preferably as a single PDF Document.
Selection will be made by a panel, whose decision will be final and no correspondence or other engagement will be entered into in respect of its decisions.
Further Information: