Aodh has started a new writing job he doesn’t believe in. There will be no negative consequences for himself, his family, or the country. Fan Linn. Seift is a bi-lingual play about political grifting, the repurposing of language, and Irish identity. It’s about familial relationships, media narratives, and the concept of notions. As Aodh’s job with An Mhalairt mirrors a country with a collapsing image of itself, Seift seeks to ask when exactly are we going to do anything to change it?


Join Scaoilte Theatre as they share a rehearsed reading of the work in development, following a week of rehearsals in Roscommon Arts Centre, in conjunction with a series of bi-lingual devising workshops with playwright and 2023 Artist in Residence at the Arts Centre, Cian Ó Náraigh.


This rehearsed reading is supported by the Roscommon County Council Creative Ireland Programme, an all-of-Government five-year initiative, which places creativity at the centre of public policy.  Further information from and 

Friday 15th November | 8pm | €5

