The Forest midwife is a beautiful short cinematic documentary by the director Beta Bajgart. Supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the film promotes native woodlands and forestry. It urges audiences to support and to be mindful of preserving the biodiversity. The story follows a journalist and social entrepreneur Catherine Cleary who bought a barren farm and started to create a natural reservoir in Corry, Co. Roscommon.

This inspiring film aims to appeal especially to farmers and landowners, foresters and nature lovers. It promotes the multi-functional benefits of trees and forests and insinuates the uncommon concept of giving nature a legal right. However, Catherine’s story is not just about the biodiversity. It is about the inner growth of a human through the birth of a forest. It touches on topics of mental health, the importance of slowing down and finding the synergy with nature. It also poses a question of creating meaning in life. After the screening there will be a panel discussion about the topic of native forestry followed by light refreshments.

Funded by Roscommon County Council & Creative Ireland

Monday 21st October | 8pm | €5

